Sherpas – Who Are They?
by Jeff Messner
I always thought Sherpas were amazing mountaineering athletes. After experiencing their culture and presence it is evident they are devoted to their immediate and extended families. They have beautiful children and homeland. They share it all with us as they devote their climbing lives to helping others summit their goals and dreams.
Kami Tenzing Sherpa – Kami was our Nepalese expedition leader. Kami guided us with a firm determination and a gentle, caring manner. He assembled an efficient and always helpful team for the trek and the best climbing Sherpa team we could have imagined. We owe Kami and all his team our special thanks for contributing so much to our success and memories.
Chhemeng Nima Sherpa – Chhemeng was our climbing lead on Lobouche and one of the world’s great climbers. He had summited Everest 19 times. “ Tragically, Chemeng was killed in an Avalanche on Baruntse the week following our expedition. Chemeng, thank you for helping the soldiers summit their goals and our prayers are with you.
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield
by Luis Benitez
October 19 LUKLA, NEPAL – At Outward Bound we tell everyone that participates in our programs that “there is more in you than you know.” I used to think this phrase summed up the efforts and goals of OB as an organization pretty succinctly. After working with these Soldiers on this amazing expedition, my perceptions have shifted to a whole new level.
Outward Bound’s history with the military dates back to the Vietnam era, serving returning veterans through five-day mountaineering programs out of our base camp in Leadville, Colorado that utilizes the same course area that the 10th Mountain Division employed to train Soldiers before their deployment to Europe during World War II. These programs were designed on the same premise as most OB courses, take a group of strangers, place them in an intense environment to undertake exceptional challenges, and shape the outcomes to assure lessons learned are taken back home to help make everyday life more extraordinary.
It’s one thing to facilitate this process in Colorado, but to take a group of Soldiers where some have been literally blown up, shot at, and torn apart and take them to the Himalaya to climb a peak was a daunting prospect. However once Erik, Jeff and I started talking about Outward Bound’s part in this, we realized that thru OB’s history with serving veterans we could do more, and provide more to these Soldiers in an effort to continue their road to recovery.
So on this expedition, we wanted to combine the prospect of climbing the mountain, with the tangible transference of what a true Outward Bound course would provide, giving the effort shape and definition. In working with Peter Baliey of The Prouty Project, The Heroes Journey started to take shape. To define this process, after each day’s journey, we came together as a team to talk about high/low points of the day, as well as talk about bigger topics like who were your “allies” back home? How do you define your “road of challenges” thru life?
The analogy I used for this process was one of building a house. Some days you would build a few walls, perhaps put in a window or two. Some days saw a wall destroyed, or the “misuse” of “tools,” but the overall effort, if the work was quality, was of a structure that would stand the test of time.
As always with expeditions such as these, one asks the question, “What’s next for us?” As I stood on the summit of Lobuje I turned to one of the Soldiers named Chad. This big, burly bearded guy standing both on his one “real” leg and his one prosthetic leg hold the American Flag with tears silently streaming down his face, I sat there and thought of all he had been through to reach this point, and realized the tears he had on his face were the same that were streaming down mine. Chad is the finest example of where my perception has shifted, all the way back to Outward Bound’s motto from the 70’s thru the 90’s pulled from Ralph Waldo Emerson. “That which we are, we are, one equal temper of heroic hearts. Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will. To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.”
Summit day was… (awesome, hellish, brutal, intense…)
by Didrik Johnck
October 18 MONZO, NEPAL – Didrik ambushes the team and asks them to complete the following sentence, “Summit day was…”
Rational thinking, an irrational pursuit
by Brad Bull
October 18 MONZO, NEPAL – Mountain climbing is an irrational pursuit.
On our extraordinary summit day, I had the honor of climbing with Specialist Steve Baskis. His combat injuries left him completely blind and with limited use of his left hand, but with an admirable inner strength that will always serve him well.
We left our high camp at 1:00 AM to clear skies and relatively warm air. We had experimented with a few techniques for climbing together on the trek in including Steve holding on to the back of my pack for direction or following the sound of a bear bell, which is how we typically travel with Erik. We opted for the bell approach with me in front of Steve and Jeff Evans following to provide adjustments and corrections in the event of difficult trail, which was most of the time.
I can’t claim to know what Steve was thinking as we left the safety of our camp, but he did begin to express a series of concerns that revealed his mindset. “I think I’m going too slow”, “I don’t think I trained hard enough” and “I don’t think my gloves are right” were some of his comments.
I view my role in this process as to lend encouragement from my skills and experiences. While these soldiers have been through a wide range of extreme experiences, summit day on a Himalayan mountain has unique parameters and pressures. When the opportunity came for me to help with this incredible journey, I was grateful for the chance for to show my appreciation for all that these heroes had done for me. There was also a serious responsibility to get these amazing people home safely.
Steve’s body and brain were functioning well. He was going through the constant evaluation loop that mountain climbers need to run in order to reduce the controllable risks. Jeff and I knew that left to his own decision making process, Steve would have turned around many times had we allowed him to go down a negative path. We responded to all of his concerns with a string of “you can do it”, “we’re moving well”, “have some food and water”. In some ways I feel guilty for blatantly dismissing his anxieties with easy answers. It would have been much more difficult if he had more subjective and existential questions like “is this worth the risk?”
Steve got married in January. Based on our lengthy trail conversations, his bride, Sarah, has many admirable qualities and his love for her is unquestionable. My encouragement of this mountaineering effort was easy because I knew Steve was strong and his questions were rational. Some of the soldiers had already turned around, so it seemed even more important to Jeff and me to have Steve summit as he embodies the incredible spirit of this expedition.
It was a long and arduous climb, but as the day unfolded, Steve’s indomitable attitude prevailed. He was actually the third person to summit! We had great views, the weather cooperated and we got everyone down safely. I am grateful that our encouragement in the form of not accepting Steve’s attempts to turn around worked out well. We achieved success on many levels. I am most grateful that I could leverage my knowledge to bring some benefit to these incredible soldiers’ mountain experience.
Across the skyline, huge giant mountains…
by Chad Butrick
October 15 PHERICHE (This post was held up @12 hours due to an Asia-wide satellite outage) – What a day! I almost don’t know where to begin this was such an exciting day. After trekking for 10 days we finally approached our summit day with excitement. It was really hard to get any sleep before making our climb. I was extremely restless.
We left in two groups one at 1 am the other at 3 am. The plan was to meet on the summit together. When group one left I was already up and ready to go despite leaving in group two. The first part of the climb was a rock scramble up really slabby rock. There was lots of loose rock and scree also.
Toward the top of the rocks we could see the massive snow slopes above us as the sun began to rise. We were also greeted by the massive giant mountains of Nepal. I have been in the mountains in Colorado and Alaska and I can assure you nothing compares to the scale of these beautiful rugged giants. NOTHING! We quickly strapped on our crampons and began our ascent.
It was as hard as you think it would be. I have climbed a lot of mountains but never at this altitude. It is a real fight to survive the altitude, save the climbing. I was blown away at the resolve I saw on everyone’s face as they pushed themselves physically, mentally, and emotionally. I remember conversations along the trail as we began to push each other knowing that everyone on our ropes had what it took to summit.
As I hit the summit I broke down in tears. Charley Mace had to dry my eyes as I was overcome with a sense of accomplishment and pride. I had reached my personal elevation high at 20,075 feet. It is hard to describe my complete mental process but I was overwhelmed with emotion.
Then I looked up. There is nothing like looking across the skyline and seeing nothing but huge, giant mountains for as far as the eye can see. There are absolutely no words to describe the scale and size of these mountains. NO WORDS. We looked across the valley and saw the highest mountain in the world; a short 8 miles that might as well have been 100. The scale is that big. No photo will do it justice. Our team met on the summit and it was a very emotional experience for all involved. It was a real coming together showing what a few individuals could do if they decided to do it, disability or not.
Knowing that getting to the top was only half way we spent a short 45 minutes on the summit and began our descent. With a couple of exceptions we all arrived at our advanced base camp unscathed.
I know over the next few days/weeks I will have a lot more to say about the day and what we experienced but honestly I am not sure I have processed all of it yet.
I would like to thank sponsors again for getting us here. For me in particular I would like to thank United Airlines, Bent Gate Mountaineering, Quaker and World T.E.A.M Sports.
We have a few more days of trekking to get down completely and I will talk to all of you again soon!
Summiting Lobuche: A step-by-step account
by Didrik Johnck
October 15, 2010 LOBUCHE HIGH CAMP – Decision was made to divide the group into two teams to synchronize summit times relative to climbing speeds. The mountain is divided into two distinct sections. The first half is rock slabs while the second half is steep snow and ice.
Team Alpha: Brad Bull, Steve Baskis, Sherman Bull, Erik Weihenmayer, Jeff Evans, Kami Tenzing, Ashley Crandall, Cody Miranda, Catherine Raggazino (Rizzo), Michael Brown, Rex Pemberton, and Didrik Johnck
Team Bravo (aka: Ramrod) – Charley Mace, Matt Nyman, Matt Murray Luis Benitez, Ike Isaacson, Dan Sidles, Kevin Cherilla, Chris Morris, Nico Maroulis, Chad Jukes, Chad Butrick, Brian Mockenhaupt
12am – wakeup call for Team A. Rizzo is not feeling well and decides not to climb. Cody stays behind to support Rizzo.
1:15am – Team A departs high camp (17,000 feet). Ashley is not feeling well and turns around shortly after departure.
2am – Team B wakeup call.
3am – Team B departs high camp.
5am – Didrik, Erik, Kami reach snow line (18,200 feet).
5:30am – Rest of team A arrives at snow line.
5:45-6am – Snow line reached by Team B.
8am – Teams merge at ice chute 400-500 feet below summit.
8:15 – Erik and Kami arrive summit (20,075 feet).
8:45 – Michael Brown arrives summit.
9-9:30 – Rest of team summits.
10:30 – 11am – Team begins staggered descent off summit.
Noon – Team begins staggered arrival back at snow line. Sherpas and porters are waiting with hot drinks.
After a rest, team begins staggered departure down the rock slabs.
12:30pm – Brad, Sherman, Jeff, Didrik, depart snow for rock slabs. Sherman is experiencing profound fatigue and is short-roped by Jeff and assisted by two Sherpas.
1:45 – Murray, Brown, Jukes, Rex are 1st climbers to arrive back at high camp.
2:30 – Nyman, who is being short-roped by Charley, shows signs of cerebral edema. Jeff begins radio calls to Kevin in high camp to prep treatment options.
4pm –Didrik, Jeff, Nyman, Morris, Mace are last climbers to arrive at base camp.
Rest of day/night is spent eating, hydrating, sleeping and treating Nyman’s cerebral edema.
Soldier Justin Moore – Justin joined the expedition after the Colorado snow and ice training in August. As such he was not adequately trained for the conditions that would be encountered on Lobuche. Justin instead climbed to the rocky, pinnacled summit of Kala Pattar at over 18,000 feet on the same day the other soldiers were on Lobuche. Climbing rock at over 18,000 feet is no easy task and the entire team salutes his accomplishment.
by World T.E.A.M. Sports

The entire Soldiers to the Summit Himalayan 2010 Expedition team including soldiers, Everest climbers, trekkers, porters, and sherpas, with Lobuche in the background. Photo by Didrk Johnck
Oct 14 LOBUCHE HIGH CAMP – The team summited Lobuche approximately 12 hours ago, 9:00 a.m. Nepal Time (11:15 p.m. Eastern, Oct 13). Our first word that they’d done so actually came via our Soldiers to the Summit Twitter feed. The team tweeted the following (via satellite phone):
9am local time team summits 20,075 foot Lobuche. Sitting on summit now enjoying view.
About an hour later came another tweet:
10:15am local time. Heading down now. Gonna be a long calf busting day. Hope to get some pics and vids out tonight
There has been one brief communication, via sat-phone, since that time (around 8:00 a.m. Eastern or @ 5:15 p.m. Nepal Time) informing us that the team had descended to Lobuche High Camp where they will spend the night before descending to Lobuche Base Camp on Friday.
We anticipate receiving photos and video of the summiting sometime tonight (@ 2:00 a.m. Eastern), pending cooperation from clouds and satellite phones. We’ll post them here as soon as possible once we’ve received them.
In the meantime, we want to invite you to a Live Web-Conference Call with the team in Nepal, where team members will recount the climb. The call is scheduled to take place Friday, October 15 at 9:45 p.m. Eastern Time. To listen in (via your computer) you must register in advance (it only takes a few seconds). To register, click here (or go to
Once you’ve registered, you’ll receive directions for attending the meeting as well as email notifications regarding the same. We hope you can attend!
If you’re not already following the expedition and World T.E.A.M. Sports on Twitter and our World T.E.A.M. Sports Facebook page, we hope you’ll take a minute and do so. Follow us on Twitter here. Become a fan on Facebook here.
Thanks to everyone for your incredible support for the team. And stay tuned here for more great dispatches from the field!
Our real goals: demonstrate courage and encourage others
by Jeff Messner
October 13 PHERICHE, NEPAL – As we are about to separate to our two summit expeditions, I want to remind you that Lobuche and Everest Base Camp is not the goal. The goal is to demonstrate the courage and resilience of you, our injured soldier; and to encourage others who have been injured that they too can accomplish exceptional goals.
We are very thankful to our ten Everest summit TEAMmates who have been instrumental in bringing the TEAM together. The 2001 Everest TEAM members offered to guide us so they too could give back to others in celebration of their successful Everest summit. They had hoped that just as they had benefited from a new level of confidence that transformed their lives, this expedition would do the same for the injured soldiers. We are deeply indebted to them for all of their tremendous personal and organizational support of the expedition.
The mental and physical challenge of the Himalayan Mountains has inspired us.
Tomorrow we split into two groups, one to summit Lobouche and one to summit Kala Patar and trek to Everest Base Camp. Our goal is to climb as high as safely possible and to descend safely. We are very proud that you have accepted this challenge and accomplished so much to be here in Pheriche at 14,130 feet. The last few days have been a transitional opportunity as you have crossed a huge threshold and the next few days will help you become the person you want to be. There will be many challenges as big as Everest and Lobuche in your future, such as career, family, community, or whatever it may be.
You have sacrificed and given so much through your military service and injuries, we hope you will take this experience and lesson from this expedition and turn it into your Adversity Advantage.
Lobuche High Camp: Stars over the mountains
by Ike Isaacson
Oct 12 LOBUCHE HIGH CAMP – Here we are at Lobuche High Camp. This is the highest that I have ever been in my life! This is very exciting. I got to to sleep around 8pm last night and woke up around 2am. I’m a bit tired but very healthy and happy. The Zopkio that carry most of our gear kept me company last night while I watched the stars over the mountains.
What an incredible place. We will be pressing to the summit around 2am which will make for a very busy night. Our only light will be from our headlamps as we push up the snowy summit. I expect us to summit the peak around 7am, exhausted yet having the time of my life.
Thank you for all of the support and prayers.
I hope to be sending out summit photos soon.
Lobuche Base Camp tour by Luis Benitez
by Didrik Johnck
Oct 11 LOBUCHE BASE CAMP – Outward Bound’s Luis Benitez takes us on a tour of Lobuche Base Camp as inhabited by Soldiers to the Summit Himalayan 2010 Expedition. Luis gives a shout out to sponsor Quaker for the oats and other eats and to the whole sherpa team for the good care they’re taking of the team.
The Long Goodbye
Well we have finally reached the tipping point. Today, after going up on the route with FINALLY improved weather, we returned to basecamp to make the decision that would point us in one direction or another. After observing the condtion of our route, rockfall, snow condtions, and knowing that teams on the Abruzzi Route just beside us have lost ENTIRE camps due to wind, we reached a conclusion.
Wendell Berry, one of my favorite authors, said it best; “When going back makes sense, then you are going ahead”.
The decision we have come to is just that. We have decided that given our timeline, the route conditions, and the forecast for yet MORE snow and wind, that this year is not our year for reaching the summit of K2.
While making a decison like this is always hard, and we are very hopeful that our colleauges and friends that remain here will reach the summit, our margin for safety does not in all good consience allow us to push higher. 3 others on our team will be departing with us as well.
I have told Katrina often that the mark of a seasoned mountaineer is being able to make decisions like this, and walk away with your head held high, understanding that by simply “showing up and giving it your all” that you have crossed a bridge that few dare to tread upon.
As another favorite saying goes; ‘”Their are old mountaineers, and their are bold mountaineers, but their are no old, bold mountaineers”. We all plan to be old AND bold, hence the path we have chosen.
This will be our last dispatch for this expedition, as the focus now will shift to the massive task of moving us and all our equipment down the valley. With weather potentially coming back in we are still undecided if we will go over a high pass to cut off a few days for the trek out, or if the weather does indeed roll back in, simply head back down the way we came up. Time will tell.
We would deeply like to thank our sponsors, STS Capital Partners and Sherpa Adventure Gear, and I personally would like to thank Outward Bound USA for truly believing in the spirit of adventure and personal growth, regardless of the outcome.
Till nextime, via con dios!
Katrina, Luis, Lakpa, and Tshering
Group at the base of the route
Time to part
So the time had come for the crew to split and say goodbye!
The Broad Peaker’s headed out today, and we moved up to K2 basecamp where we have spent the day working hard to build platforms and setup camp. Yet another weather system has moved in bringing scattered snow and wind. Lets hope it gets better soon. The clock is ticking..
K2 and Broad Peak teams
climb to 22k
Todays efforts were not without reward. After a sleep at c2, we took a “walk” about 1/2way towards camp3, reaching 6600m or about 22,000ft.
A perfect amount for our next round which will hopefully see us sleeping at c3 , about 400m higher then where we went today, and then being done with our time on Broad Peak.
This year has proven to be a weather challenge, as some friends who tried for the summit last night found out.
They were all turned back by thigh deep snow at about 7,900m.
Some years here we are told, snow can shut everything down, even with good sun! Such is climbing life in Pakistan.
more tomorrow hopefully from basecamp!
above c2 steep and fun
punch thru
We did it! The weather has been holding steady so after sleeping at c1 last night we made the move to c2 today, where we will be sleeping over 20,000ft.
reports of more sugar snow up high will impact how high we “tag” tomorrow. we are hoping to go about 1/2way to c3 then zoom all the way back to base for a rest. 2-3 nights on the hill when you are acclimating is about as much as you should do per climbing cycle. more than that, unless you are on a summit push, you literally start to waste away!
for now, we are all in good health and spirits!
stay tuned!
Camp 1 to Camp 2 then all the way back to basecamp
In climbing, sometimes you have those days, those days where you “walk the line” between turning tail and running down, and digging in and pushing forward. Today was one of those days. Our weather forecast we recieved last night was not a good one. A storm was on the way, a big one this time, that would effectively close down climbing on the mountain for a few days. After settling into Camp1 for the night, we deliberated what to do, and all agreed that if it started up overnight, we would be up at 1st light and head downhill. We woke up this morning to a light dusting of snow on the tent and a looming sky. As we all agreed it was worth it to “go up and take a look”, we headed out of camp with the intention of trying to “touch” camp2 at just over 20,000ft (6,000m).
We knew that breaking that barrier would put us in good shape for the next cycle up the hill to then sleep at camp2 and continue getting used to the ever thinning air.
The weather however, had other plans. First the winds came, then that transported what is called sugar snow. Imagine if you will a jar of sugar, now give that jar a tilt so the sugar inside sits at about a 45-55 degree angle, now imagine, at 18-20,000ft, in freezing winds, walking up that sugar. Thats exactly what we were faced with.
Lapka, Katrina and I often talked about the ego associated with climbing. For myself being back with Outward Bound these past few years has showed me a different perspective on this. We always say, “challenge yourself, and change your world”. But I would add to that, there are times, days not unlike this one, where you have to become the animal that proper society tells you not to. You must in your heart believe you can do things that other people think are crazy, and you must believe you can do them well, for this is how you survive sometimes up here. Ego? Hardly. Simply a belief that you have more in you than you know.
Despite the rolling waves of poor weather, we continued upward, with an eye towards avalanche danger, and by 11.15am we were at camp2.
At this point a big thank you needs to go out to Fabrizio and our HAP’s (High Altitude Porters) for doing such an amazing job fixing line for the route. There are few people on this planet that can match these guys strength, and for that we are greatful. We rested, re fueled, and “hustled” back to camp1 and then to basecamp in time for a 2pm late lunch. Katrina is feeling strong, and we are all satisfied that this rotation up the hill went better than expected. So let the storm come! For now, we are content to be faced with a few rest days, and a newfound belief in whats possible.
Till tomorrow.
Luis headed to c2
Katrina headed to c2
Lapka and Tshering at c2
Basecamp gathering
Todays rest day was filled with preparations for our hopeful move to camp1 tomorrow. Everyone stayed at basecamp today, not just the 2nd wave of climbers, due to bad weather all over the valley. Its been snowing most of the day, with hints of sun here and there.
So like most families, what do you do when everyone is in town? Have a get together!
Word went out up and down basecamp to all teams that were around to come over for tea and a visit. Seems like no one turned down the invite! The dining tent was heaving with people most of the afternoon. A group from Spain, a group of Slovak’s, some fantastic world class skiers from Dynafit attempting to ski Broad Peak, (one of whom is actually from Breckenridge, Colorado, close to my home! Nice to get some hometown boys representing up here!)
Mike Horn, a Swiss, who has done more polar exploration than most folks dream about, and the list goes on and on. The stories and laughter went well into the afternoon, in multiple languages, fueled by various blends of “firewater” that most teams have brought with them. For the Spanish, wine, for the Slovak’s, some type of high grade rocket fuel, for the gringos like us, scotch all around!
If the weather clears like it is supposed to we will be moving up to camp1 for a “overnight” tomorrow. We will keep you posted.
the gangs all here
Camp one shuffle
4am is never an easy time to get up, no matter what job you have. Our job today was to climb to camp1 to drop off food/fuel/personal gear.
Imagine a nice 45min walk across a glacier, outfitted in all your climbing gear, and all bundled up against the cold, then imagine getting on a ladder tilted at about a 45 degree angle. Climbing this ladder for about 4 1/2 hours. Thats about the size of what we did today. We arrived at camp1 around 10am, deposited our loads, and raced back down the ropes in time for lunch here at basecamp. All in all quite a productive day.
The four of us are pretty tired, so tomorrow will be a rest day.
More pics and fun info then!
Luis Katrina and Tshering en route to camp one
Final prep
Greetings everyone. Today was spent adjusting our loads for our carry to camp1 tomorrow. Fabrizio and crew have made fantastic progress fixing towards camp2, and we are carrying up more rope to support that process, plus our personal gear. Round trip should be about 8 hours all going well. Some of us may stay high for a few more hours and help fix rope higher if the need arises, we shall see.
Other than that, it will be early to bed for all of us, as 4.30am always comes earlier than you think.
Lapka and Tshering packing food
The Broad
Greetings everyone. Today was another day of sorting and re packing for our 1st carry up to camp 1 day after tomorrow.
Everyone is in fine form and we were all excited to be breaking into the snacks and treats we brought from home. A bit of cheese and crackers, pistachio nuts, jelly beans, all the really important stuff came out today!
We also looked over our mountain food and what will go where when why and how. Thus is life on an expedition. The afternoon snows have returned so we have all retreated to our respective tents. Lapka and Tshering are listening to a station from India on their shortwave, Katrina is rocking out on her headphones, and I of course am in my tent “geeking out” with all the communications gear trying to get the dispatch out!
The clouds and snow this afternoon have prevented me from charging everything right up, but I was able to catch this shot right out my front door this morning. Broad Peak! K2 which is a view out the other door wasnt cooperating with the cloud cover today. I guess she wants to stay a surprise for later!
Tonight most of the team is in basecamp with us, with a few folks that arrived a few days before us already on a rotation to sleep at camp1 tonight. I have a serious match with Joe from Norway to see if I can defend my connect4 champion title (a game for 10 year olds, but lots of fun for us at 16,000ft)!
Katrina has enjoyed hanging out with one of our trekkers, Nikki, who is Garth’s girlfriend. I know she has appreciated the “girl time” in the midst of all the stinky hairy climbing beasts.
All’s well here for now!
WIll the real Broad Peak please stand up
After a snowy and windy walk, we made it to basecamp! Over lunch we met the rest of the team that were a few days ahead. There are folks from South Africa, Australia, USA, and believe it or not, another girl from Canada which Katrina was quite pleased about!
We then kicked into high gear to build tent platforms out of the glacial rubble, setup tents, and generally spent the afternoon phaffing around. (phaff; to move slow at 16,000ft or higher, which is where we are now)! You can sense K2 and Broad Peak looming in the clouds above and around us….very surreal.
With the weather batteries are low, so with hopefully some sun, we will try to charge up and give you a more proper tour of basecamp.
Till then this is Broad Peak BC, signing off!
Basecamp of Broad Peak
First views
Today’s walk was fairly straightforward. 4hrs and then quickly erecting the tents against the gentle snowfall that had rolled in. We are a 1/2 days walk away from Broad Peak basecamp, which in turn is 45min away from K2 basecamp!
Concordia is supposed to be the 1st place you get good views of K2, but with the weather we didnt get our hopes up.
However, lo and behold, after lunch the clouds started to part, the sun came out, and we caught our 1st close up glimpses of both K2 (on the left in the distance) and Broad Peak (close in on the right).
We are all very jazzed to be so close to the end of our trekking phase, and the start of our climbing one.
Stay tuned!
Walking onto the Baltoro Glacier
Today’s walk saw us finally walking on the Baltoro Glacier proper. This is high and wild country, with parts having no clear route, and other parts where you are leaping from rock to rock to avoid the glacial streams threading thru the landscape. Needless to say, its a beautiful place. The group are all doing well, and enjoying the company of climbers headed off to other mountains, but at this point we are all still trekking together up valley. Don Bowie who has been here many times over the years, pointed out to us and an Italian team some of the giants as we walked by; Nameless tower and Trango tower to name a few.
Walking with these Balti porters, you begin to develop a healthy respect for just how strong these guys are. There are no teahouses up here to duck into for a quick visit and meal, no clear trail, the going is tough without yak support, few carry animals, and yet these guys do it all with a smile on their face. They are a passionate people, and take great pride in their work.
We are camping at about 13,500ft tonight, and tomorrow takes us even higher. Hopefully if all continues as planned, we should be in Broad Peak basecamp in a few days.
Cheers to all!
Kat and Don and Tshering check out Namless and Trango Towers
Porter lunchbreak