Posted in News
Now that the 2012 Cotopaxi program is complete, we’ve collected all the action including videos and photos from the last year right here. Who are these people? Learn about the team. First time visitor? Learn about this program and what we’re all about. This program would not happen without the generous support of sponsors and individuals.
While in Ecuador our nimble media crew shot, edited, and published these videos on the fly.
Acclimatization climb on the East Lava Flow route of Guagua Pichincha
We had to get to the mountain somehow. Start trekking… across the Ecuadorian Andes
Nerves ans sleepless nights… Countdown to Cotopaxi Summit Attempt
Day 13 – Cotopaxi Summit Day
Prior to the team’s departure for Ecuador we met twice in Colorado to train.
S2S October Training – 2012 Cotopaxi Team
S2S July Training – 2012 Cotopaxi Team
Cotopaxi Expedition Route Map Across Ecuador
View Cotopaxi Expedition Trek and Climb (DJ) in a larger map